Monday, July 2, 2012


Good Morning, Mighty Women of God!

Today we are going to take off bandages and let our sores heal properly. You remember when you had a bad sore on you leg? Your mother would first wash the sore, then put a bandage on it. After a couple of days she would check on it to see if it was time to take the bandage off and let it get some air. Once the scar began to get enough air, it developed a scab. A couple of days later, the scab would fall off and you would began to see your skin color change back into the color of it original state. If you leave the bandage on too long, the scar will not heal at the time that it should. It will get bigger than it was, when you first got it. Are you following me? I want you to put on your spiritual cap and stay with me for a moment, God's going to give you an awesome revelation.
A lot of us have battle wounds and we refuse to take the bandage off, and allow the Lord to completely heal us properly. It is human nature to cover up what is hurting us (it stings, it burns and it throbs). We are fixed on thinking that as longs as the wound is covered up no one will see how ugly it makes the rest of the body look. As long as it is covered, we don't have to look at it. But, if you don't take the bandage off the Lord can't blow on it and make heal it. The Lord wants to wash your battle wounds with the Holy Spirit and let it heal so it won't get bigger. The bigger the wound the bigger the bandage. You might have started off with a small bandage and now you need a bigger one. The truth of the matter is, if people could really see your battle wounds, you would look like a mummy (all wrapped up).

You covered up the fact that you were abused as a child, and now the wound is so big, you make it impossible for anyone to love you. Impossible to even love your own children as a mother should. You were hurt so badly in a past relationship and now your bandage is so big, you allow men to talk to you anyway they want to, slap you, push you and make you feel like you have no more you. You have low self-esteem because you are still covering up the fact that you have been called every name in the book (even by family members). You had a child out of wedlock and don't know who or where the father is. Your wound is so big that the devil whispers in your ear, reminding you of it every time you try to get close to God.
Maybe I didn't specifically name your battle wound, but I can almost guarantee, that you do have one. Whether the wound is covered or not, the Lord can heal you. You can have the life that He wants you to have. You can be called a godly woman. First, take off the bandage (ask for God's forgiveness). Call out your sin, call it out, that is so important because the enemy don't want you to put him out. Let it grow a scab so it can heal (pray and read your word daily). Thirdly, the scab falls off and you began to look the way the Jesus wants you to. Allow the Lord to use you as a living testimony, that He is the only true and living God. Allow the Lord to love on you and when the devil whispers negative thoughts in your ear, you praise and worship and thank Jesus that you are free from all condemnation. LET US PRAY!
Heavenly Father, I come to You as humbly as I know how. For me Lord for sinning against You. Lord I call out my sins to you that are keeping me from getting closer to You. Your promises that Your goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and now I accept You and the mercy You have shown me. Lord Jesus, I ask that You remove anything that is not like You from my body. Anything that exalts itself against You, I claim victory by the power of the Holy Spirit. Lord use me as a living testimony to help lead the lost to the cross. I love You Lord Jesus, Amen.