Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Hello, Mighty Woman of God!

I thank our Lord Jesus Christ for each of you everyday.  I pray that you have had a blessed day yesterday and this morning.

(Philippians 1:6), being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

As I was peeling an onion the other day, the more layers I began to pull back, the more my eyes watered and my nose itched.  I ran watered over the onion as I peeled back a new layer, it helps a little but your eyes still may water.

Woman of God, think of yourself as an onion.  There is a brown layer of skin that covers the white part of the onion.  This outer layer keeps you safe from getting the inner part bruised or damaged. God keeps this brown layer over your heart and the rest of body to protect it. 

Now you have decided to give your life to Christ.  What God does is allow you to keep your cover until you are ready to be peeled.  This process must take place in order for God to use you for His glory.  You have been in church for a while now, studying and praying regularly and now God says, "it is time".  He peels off your cover and you began to cry. 

There will come a point in time where all you do is cry and you don't know why.  It's because God is trying to remove all of the past hurts and bruises you have been through before He came into your life.  The more you pray, another layer comes off, then other, then other. 

The Lord might give you a short break, but time is of the essence, because He has work for you to do and gifts He wants to give to you.  You will need all your strength and all your might to go through the next level of peeling because now the enemy realizes that you are serious about the Kingdom of Heaven.  You are a prayer intercessor and you will often be crying for people you don't even know, because in the spirit realm you are interceding on their behalf.

Now God has done peeling you, and it's time for you to be cut.  I know this doesn't sound good but as you peel an onion, by the time you began to cut it into desired pieces, you are no longer crying.  You have gotten to the strongest part of the onion and it is not as sensitive, it very hard.  This is the point where God is trying to get you to in your life.  God is peeling and cutting just for you.  He will peel and throw away any part that is not needed for the "soup for your soul".  He is keeping the strongest parts of your being for the edifying of the saints. 

During this time of peeling and cutting; endurance, patience and love will be needed.  You can not only run this race but you will finish the course.  LET US PRAY!

Heavenly Father, I thank and praise you for covering my life until I was ready for service in Your Kingdom.  Lord, help me to endure the hardships so that I will be able to enjoy the rewards.  Prepare me to do work for you and give you glory.  Lord, I thank you that you are not just peeling me, but you are using me, in Jesus name Amen.

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