Sunday, September 2, 2012


Good Morning, Mighty Woman of God!

I pray that you have a blessed weekend and holiday.  I speak blessings of peace and joy upon your lives.
(Deuteronomy 1:27-31), You grumbled in your tents and said, "The Lord hates us; so he brought us out of Egypt to deliver us into the hands of the Amorites to destroy us.  Where can we go?  Our brothers have made us lose heart.  They say, "The people are stronger and taller than we are; the cities are large, with walls up to the sky.  We even saw the Anakites there."  Then I said to you, "Do not be terrified; do not be afraid of them.  The Lord your God, who is going before you, will fight for you, as he did for you in Egypt, before your very eyes, and in the desert.
Woman of God, this scripture describes how the people of Egypt were suppose to conquer the land that was promised to them by God.  They sent out ten spies to see how they could take over the land that was filled with milk and honey.  They came back with a bad report, saying that the people were giants and stronger than they were.  They believed their brothers report that they ccould not defeat them.  The Lord God had to remind them of how He delivered them out of Egypt and was with them night and day.  God provided manna and water for them daily.  Now the Lord God is telling them not to be afraid because He will fight for them.
Look at that scripture closely; notice that the people said their brothers brought back a bad report of the land that the Lord God had promies them.  They did not say that the Lord God told them that they would be defeated.  The spies went out on their own knowledge, they never thought about the knowledge of God.  There will always be people in your life that will try to deter you from going further in your life.  If God tells you that you are going to be blessed and you are line up with His purpose for your life, following His instructions, then that is exactly what will happen.  The people of Egypt looked at their circumstances and in their minds they were already defeated.
Sometimes the way that we are thinking is "toxic talk".  We have a defeated attitude instead of trusting in the Lord God.  Does the Lord God have to remind you of all the times that He was with you during your trials?  Are you listening to the Lord God or your friends?  You have to trust the Lord God and get rid of any "toxic talk" around you.  "Toxic talk" is when you are constantly saying to yourself that you cannot overcome your circumstances.  "Toxic talk" is when your friends and family members are telling you that you cannot achieve something and you believe them instead of believing the Lord God.  "Toxic talk is when you look at your situation and say, you aren't going to make it and how are you going to do what the Lord God says without this or that?  If the Lord God has give you an assignment, He will provide the means for you to accomplish it.  He will make a way out of no way that you can visible see.  He will have people that you don't even know give to you.  He will make your enemies your footstool.  He will put righteous people in your path.  Don't give in to "toxic talk".  Immediately run from it.  Don't entertain "toxic talk" because it can be embedded in your spirit.  Keep "toxic talk" out of your mind  PRAISE GOD!  AMEN!  Toxic Friendshps and conversation can be contagious.

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