Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Good Morning, Mighty Woman of God!  My prayer for you is that you are blessed and highly favored of the Lord Jesus Christ on today and that you walk in His grace and mercy.
(Galatians 5:16-17), This I say then, walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.
Woman of God, I know that this is a timely message for some of you, if not all.  I was really blessed by this message on Sunday.  Not only was a blessed by the Word, but also chastise by the Lord to the point that repentance brought about a lot of tears.  I always try to encourage you by letting you know that I too still struggle, but striving.  When you mess up, don't give up; God will never leave nor forsake you, my daughter.  This is definitely a message for someone that will read this today, because the Lord had me type the words (my daughter).  Please read Galatians 5:16-23, when you get an opportunity, it is very important. 
While in church on Sunday, the Pastor spoke on things of the flesh and things of the Spirit.  As I sat quietly listening to him, I began to feel convicted by the Holy Spirit.  My 13 year old son was sitting next to me and I am sure that he understood the message.  When the Pastor read the scripture concerning our Christian behavior I felt like sinking into my chair.  He mentioned exactly what I had been dealing with (anger, bitterness and strife).  He went into details about the spirit of anger.  I felt like my son was sitting there saying to himself, "Hey, that what's wrong with my mom and she sometimes throws things at the wall".   I felt ashamed.  I began to pray and ask the Lord for His forgiveness and to develop in me a spirit of meekness and gentleness when it comes to my family not just the ministry.  God wants all of us to get to a point in our lives where the fruits of the Spirit are evident in every aspect of our life, not just Facebook.
Before services was over I ended up on the alter crying my eyes out; praying for God's to have mercy on me.  Later that day, my son really tried me on that gentleness and I did get angry at him.  After I calmed down, I apologized for yelling at him, but I also let him know that I yelled at him because I love him so much and I needed him to understand why I said what I said. 
Woman of God, I know that there is something on that list of things of the flesh that you are dealing with in your life and I want you to know that you are not alone.  You must remember that every second, minute, hour and day, you have a chance to turn it around.  You have a chance to seek after the fruits of the Spirit.  I pray daily that each moment God has mercy on me and gives me another breathe that I use it to glorify Him.  And that I use self-control in my everyday life.  Sometimes when we think that we've gotten past something the enemy will come and swoop you up and let you know that you have not yet arrived.  Don't give the enemy deceived you into thinking that because you are dealing with something on that long list, you are not in the will of God.  It only means that you need deliverance in that particular area.  I know that it can seem like you are having an "outer body experience" when you say or do something that you know is not in your character.  It seems like you are looking at yourself and saying, "What is wrong with you?"  Just to make you feel better, it's okay to have an "outer body experience", as long as you come back.  Stay prayerful and those will become less and less.  Pray that God will develop in you the fruit of the Spirit that will replace the fleshly behavior that you are experiencing.  YOU CAN DO THIS!  GOD BLESS YOU!
If you are interested in attending the "Women's Conference" - May 25, 2013 please sign in on my events calendar.  The conference is free of charge so come out for eats, fellowship and Spiritual food.  I can't wait to finally get to meet the faces behind the Facebook.  God bless you!

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