Monday, November 12, 2012


Good Morning, Mighty Woman of God!  I pray that you have all had a blessed and highly favorable weekend.  I speak blessings upon your life on today as you follow after our Lord Jesus Christ.  Have a blessed day!
(Romans 8:28), And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
When I was a child, I loved going to Six Flags, Great America.  At the time that it first opened it was the largest amusement park in the Chicagoland area.  It was not as expensive either.  Anyway, it was the kind of place that you would pay one fee and ride all rides all day.  The only downfall were the long lines.  But as a child you really don't care about the lines, you just stare at the ride as others go through the process.  As you begin to get closer to the beginning of ride that you have stood in line for over an hour the excitement kicks into overdrive.  Sometimes you wished that you could change your mind, but now you're at the beginning of the line and you're next.  No one wants to get in the front car because those people see too much of the ups, downs, curves and flips. No one wants to be in the end car because they are the last to see the ups, downs, curves and flips.  Once you get in your seat, the first thing that you tend to do is check the bar going across your legs to make sure that it is secure.  Then all of a sudden you hear that click, that was your last chance for you to get off the ride.  Now, you are on your way to flying in the sky and a phenomonal speed, you're screaming at the top of your lungs, holding on tight to that bar across your lap because it just keeps moving.  For some reason the 'rollercoaster' always stays at the top of the tracks long enough for you to catch you get a glimpes to see what you are getting yourself into then you are dropped fifty feet down and quickly dipped into a quick curve.  This is a very short ride, and it seems like the longest 3 minutes of your life.  Once your car returns to the beginning, you take a look around and make sure that everyone is still with you, you are out of breath because of all the screaming, and then for some reason someone will shout out, "That was awesome!"
I have met all kinds of people that have experienced the 'rollercoaster ride' in their life.  Imagine this as a scenario of life.  You have always had the comfort of your parents protection and love throughout the turns and curves of grammer, high school and for some even college.  But now it's time for you to get on the ride by yourself and you are scared to death.  You have observed and heard all kinds of screams and cries watching your friends go through their 'rollercoaster' called life.  You have to pay bills, rent and maybe already have a child.  As you get closer and closer to getting to the top of the 'rollercoaster' of your life, you begin to wonder whether or not you are going to be able to survive it through the big drop and the curve that Satan is going to throw your way. You are hit with all kinds of turnarounds and upside downs and even some dips that you didn't anticipate but you hold on to that bar that is keeping you from falling out and throwing you across the park.  You are depending on that man made bar to keep you safe.
Now here's the light at the end of your 'rollercoaster' ride.  As soon as things begin to work out for your good and you realize that you didn't fall off the ride that you screamed your lungs out on, you happily get off and say, "God is awesome, thank you Jesus!"  GIVE THE LORD PRAISE!  AMEN!

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