Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Good morning, Mighty Woman of God.  I speak blessings of hope and joy upon your life on today.  Just got out of my worship time with the Lord and this is His message for you today.  I pray that you will be blessed and comforted by reading His message.  My prayer is that you receive it in your heart and will move forward through your darkest hour.
(Psalms 6:6-9), I am weary with my groaning; all night I soak my pillow with tears, I drench my couch with my weeping.  My eye grows dim because of grief: it grows old because of all my enemies.  Depart from me, all you workers of iniquity, for the Lord has heard the voice of my weeping. The Lord has heard my supplication; the Lord receives my prayer.
Woman of God, there are some of you that can relate to that scripture at this very moment.  You cannot tell anyone exactly what you are dealing with on the inside of you.  You feel like you are going to die and that deep down in your soul you hurt so bad.  Whatever is causing you pain and humiliation; you cannot seem to move out of that situation.  You've been waiting and waiting for God to do something, just anything to make you feel better.  You can't seem to think straight and even when you go to bed, you still can't rest.  You can't rest because of all the turmoil that you are going through, yet you are still waiting for God to do something.  I don't know who I'm talking to right now, but I am typing as the Spirit leads me.  Right now, I know that the Spirit is speaking to more than one person reading this, in fact, He is telling me that one of you has thought about suicide but you look over at your little ones and know that it would be the wrong thing to do.  Your children are the only ones that bring you joy in your life.  Your don't have a relationship with your mother, because of your past behavior towards each other.  You think about your mother a lot of the times because you miss a hug and someone to tell you that everything is going to be alright. 
God wants you to look back over your life and think about all the darkest hours that He has brought you through.  God has carried you through some things that you thought would kill you.  God has done some things for you that you don't even know of, because of His love for you.  God foreknew everything that you are going through right now and He knows that you are stronger than you think you are.  So many times you have been in situations that you thought about giving up, but God brought you through that darkest hour.  Even though it may seem as though you are fighting this battle all alone, God says, not so.  He has brought you through a lot of darkest hours and although this one seems like it will take you out, God says, not so. The reason why you are still doing drugs and having sexual relationship with men that don't care about you is because the enemy has tricked you into thinking that God will never forgive you.
Some of you have been in your darkest hour for more that a decade and yet God says that you are still waiting for Him to do something.  You have to move toward Him for this one.  In order for God to move on your situation you have to get rid of something that you don't want to get rid of.  He has told you over and over that if you would pray and seek after Him then the drugs and backsliding will be no longer.  Every time you take a step forward someone in your life that should not be in your life pulls you back three steps.  Every time you make up in your mind that this will be the last time, that someone in your life is there making sure that you stay in bondage.  God says, He cannot move until you move.  You will stay in your darkest hour until you move forward.  You have been in your darkest hour every since childhood.  Sexual abuse tried to kill you, but God said not so.  Physical abuse tried to kill you, but God said not so.  But that person, place or thing that is keeping you in your darkest hour is killing your spirit.  Stop letting someone else control you.  You have to realize that you deserve better then you will be released.  PRAISE GOD!
Woman of God, I tried to get rid of some of the harsh wording but I couldn't.  Keep an open mind and I love you with the love of the Lord.  The Spirit of the Lord birthed this ministry through Facebook and social media and I am trying with all of my heart to do what is right for those of you that have trusted me to come into your lives through Facebook.  I have taken calls from women in over five different states, so again, I am here for you.  If anyone every needs prayer call me or leave me a message.  I am never judgmental, my love for God, extends my heart to you.  For prayer call 678-629-3179, women only.

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